참가업체 정보 | Company Info

업체정보 | Company Info

부스번호 (Booth) : F-02
대표자 (CEO) 김우성
주소 (Address) 경기도 평택시 청북읍 청북중앙로 578-20
전화번호 (Tel) 070-4652-6971 홈페이지 (Homepage) http://www.kotecsystem.com/en/
참가 분야 기계기술전
출품 품목 베벨링 머신, 드릴링 머신, 밴드쏘 머신

회사소개 | Company Info

While we, KOTEC SYSTEM, Specialized in fabricating industrial machinery for the structural steel, we are lasting quite splendid achievement and endeavoring to contribute to structural steel industry with the maximum customer satisfaction.

To reach this goal calls for continuous investment in our product development to ensure that we are always able to offer the most suitable solution at peak levels of efficiency. Structural steel fabricating & processing machinery of KOTEC SYSTEM are well-known for high performance and reliability.

Customized features and dedicated service provided by KOTEC SYSTEM helps clients with guaranteed satisfaction.

출품제품 정보 | Product Info

전시회 참가 계획 및 목표 | Exhibition plan and objectives

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